Monday, June 30, 2008

Laminin Holds Us Together

Renown Passion Conference speaker Louie Giglio shares an amazing characteristic of the human body. 


If you've seen this before, I'm sure you'll be blessed by watching it again.

If you haven't seen this video before, you will not regret taking 8 minutes & 43 seconds to watch it - and be amazed.

Trust His promise.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fact: I Am a Typing Machine

86 words
How fast can your ten little digits go? Find out here.
And let me know how you fared.

[Blowing fingers] Ssssssssssssss.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pomp & Circumstance(s)

I haven't been to a high school graduation for almost 2 years (the last one being my little sister's). I actually don't miss it that much, because it usually drags for a long time and all you really want is to meet them after the ceremony for pictures and the after-party (if there happens to be one).

On the other hand, when you see that smile on your graduate's face....somehow, it's all worth it to be there for them.

Sharing a smile w/ Rebecca @ AHS graduation. 

The Graduate (sepia)
Holding up Grace with Rebecca & Joyce for PHS graduation. 

Prom posing
Doing a prom pose w/ the guys for Shawn's UCR grad party (he's behind me)

My congratulations to the Class of 2008. =)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"Where's the kickstand?"

Marvin & meAfter dropping off a check for my vocal class in South Pasadena, I headed over to the Rose Bowl with my running shoes in tow. Marvin sent me an email invite to check out a special meeting held by his Pasadena Triathlon Club about a mentoring program for those interested in racing an Olympic-distance triathlon.

Knowing myself, I paid more attention to the last part of the email about a nice workout afterward. I figured it would be a simple 5K run around the famous stadium with Marvin and his crew of triathletes. Fast, fun, and a good change of scenery from the 'hoods of MPK.

It's when I parked that I saw my discipler make ready not one, but TWO bikes. Then I heard, "Hey, when's the last time you rode a bike?"

This wasn't going to be a walk in the park (pun intended).

Seven circular-motion and three pavement-pounding miles later...everything south of the border hurts.

It still feels kinda good though. =)