Passion Regionals '08 - Los Angeles
A weekend of worship like none other I have ever experienced. The Passion Conferences came to the West Coast this year (and right in our backyard of LA), and I was privileged to go with 20+ college students from our church to the brand new Nokia Theater. It was a short program (Friday night to Saturday night), but I think it made a big impact on those who never went to Passion, which was about 95% of them. =)
A few highlights:
- Worshiping with 4000+ college/young adults from all across the West Coast. Leaders included Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, and David Crowder Band - all less than 10 feet away from me.
- Valuable lessons from inspirational speakers Louie Giglio and Francis Chan
- Our decisions ultimately draw attention to someone - would that be us or God?
- Not even God would waste time on those who refuse to follow Him (even though we do). That's why in speaking parables, Jesus is reaching the "good soil" - those people who really want to understand who God is. (Luke 8:4)
- The Holy Spirit is IN us (John 14) - such a promise helps us to naturally please God!
- Possibly the most glorifying moment for God is when we are suffering the most in our lives. When all things seem hopeless and the bottom falls out - yet we still go against everything sensible and say...."Praise God!" =)
- Joining with others to write the story of God by together raising:
- $54,000 to build 18 wells for African villages who don't have access to water
- Giving 2,260 towels and 10,500 pairs of socks to LA shelters, AND
- $42,707 to extend this God-filled weekend experience to Jakarta, Indonesia for 1.5 million university students.
- In Mr. Giglio's words, "all this from less than 4000 'poor' college students". Amazing what God can do, yes? =P

"Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." ~ Isaiah 26:8

Photo courtesy of Passion Conferences =)