Monday, September 29, 2008

Dodgers, Joint Fellowship, Music Builds Tour

Currently Listening
By Third Day
Call My Name
see related

On Thursday night, I took some of the guys out to the last Dodgers game of the regular season.  Our boys-in-blue clinched the National League (NL) West Championship after a four-year drought, so this last home game was quite special...

Free tickets.  (hookup from 76 - yes, the gas station)
Free shirts.  (last game of season)
Free Dodger dogs.  (scalpers who needed extra tickets =P ).

We left early when our team began slacking, only to find out the stadium began spraying the crowd w/ champagne after our meaningless loss.  Ah, gosh darn it.

Free shirt! Group #1

On Friday night, there was a CtC Joint Fellowship Night, where another church youth fellowship joined ours for a night of worship and fellowship. The most interesting thing that happened when everyone was divided up and I was left to lead a small group of 23. Woah, I know.  But I broke down the groups and everyone had something cool to share about having Jesus in their lives.  I left encouraged and praising GOD for this fruitful night.

Finale! =)

On Saturday, I went w/ several friends to catch the Music Builds Tour in San Diego.  It was nothing short of spectacular to see rock bands like Jars of Clay, Robert Randolph & the Family Band, Switchfoot, and Third Day come together for causes bigger than themselves and to offer perspective with the awesome music they share.  It's all butter to my ears.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fortune Cookie

Here's an interesting story for ya'll.

I went down to Chinatown to grab some lunch with Charles and Shawn.  Once we were done, the hostess gave us our bill with fortune cookies for the three of us.

So I cracked mine open and this is what it read:

Side 1

Interesting.  I always like meeting new people.

Then I turned to the back, where there is usually an English-Chinese translation of some random word.

Here is what I found:

Side 2

Oh really....?  =)

Happy Autumn, everyone.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Me, Myself, & I

I had a good talk with the boss of the home (Mom).  We're so busy with our own matters during the daytime, so we would usually share what's on our minds in the early morning over tea or at night when chores were done.

Somehow, we are becoming each others' best friends.  Maybe it's because both of us are now adults and we can share similar things as such (as opposed to my years in school, where I'd talk & g1rls).

I recently shared with her what God has been doing in my life this past year and how much of a joy it is to serve my local church.  What it meant for me to be around people a community of agape.  To be able to break bread together, wash each others' feet, pray together, do life together.

Community was pretty important to me, and she knew it.  But she also knew there is more to it.

"Albert, what if everyone was too busy at a time and can't hang with you?  What would you do for yourself?"

I had to think about that one.  Probably because it's been a while since I've spent quality time on my own.  And that isn't healthy, anymore than not spending time with God.

Making a long story short, I was convicted to make time for myself again - to honor and take joy in who God has made me to be, and being able to lift that up as worship to Him.  Thus, I made a list of things I can do on my own:

  1. Quiet Times
    Me, God, the Word, a journal.  Nothing more is needed to feel at rest and loved like none other.

  2. Play My Guitar
    I've been playing in my Taylor since March, and the instrument never ceases to amaze me.  Just got a Dr. Beat Metronome and now be plugging away at some tabs to improve the skills.  

  3. Sing, Sing, Sing
    I belted out "Luck Be a Lady" and "Waitin' For The Light To Shine" to my vocal instructor a couple lessons ago.  She smiled.  And I'm starting to smile at this God-given gift and the freedom to use it everywhere I go.

  4. Organizing
    A world with papers, clothes, books, games, etc in its right places is an awesome world.  So I take pleasure (and a dust brush) to make that happen in my house.

  5. Read a Book
    I have about 1355 life-inspiring books around my room and have read about 3.8 of them.  Time to get invested in this sea of knowledge.

  6. P.E.
    Some good ol' fashion exercise (w/o an annoying coach to tail you).  Hitting the pavement for 30 minutes or playing pick-up games can really lighten the mood.

  7. Watch Movies
    Losing yourself to worlds of endless opportunities and creativity can be good distractions to get you away.

  8. Take a Drive
    Rolling down the windows, one arm over the side, headlights on, and full speed ahead through the street lights and into the wild blue night.  Just like heaven on earth.

What are the things you like to do on your own for yourself?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven Years Later...

...and I still remember where I was that day.

Driving in my car to school.
Listening in disbelief.
Watching this horrific event replayed over and over again in class.
I whispered a silent prayer.

We'll never forget what happened.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I was going to give a more legit update, but I think I'll save it for this (courtesy of Los):

Freakin' genuis.

Thoughts?  Captions?