"The Tinker"
This past Sunday, I had the privilege of serving Acts of Worship (AOW), our church's English drama team, for their summer presentation of "The Tinker". Compared to last year, there was less hassle and a more fluid execution in regards to setup, ticket sales, and ushering. However, I'm sure it was nothing compared to the work AOW had to do to make it an awesome night. Despite the short preparation time and high obstacles along the way, AOW came together, giving it their very best in producing this redeemption-themed play and pulled it off with flying colors. I was invited to the after-party, and in the midst of debriefing and sharing our thoughts, we saw that it was clearly God's hand that blessed it - that He wanted it happen so people may see His glory and power. It was an awesome, unsettling feeling that filled the night with the thankfulness and love for the ultimate Director.
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