Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I had lunch with a few co-workers today at a Thai Cuisine restaurant in a middle / lower class part of town. When it was time to pay for the meal, I handed over my part of the bill only to realize that I needed to put in one more dollar to cover the tip. I didn't have an extra dollar so I kindly handed over four quarters to the money tray. Then my co-worker picked up the coins and replaced it with a dollar he had in his wallet. I was confused and later asked him why did swapped my money. He told me that I should never tip with coins because people may begin to associate it with giving change to the homeless on the street, and the servers are not homeless. Even if you want to tip to the exact percentage of the bill (which usually ends up in some cents being added). he says to not do it and instead, always tip with bills.

Personally, I think he went too far on that second part, especially if someone doesn't have the $1 bills at the time. But it certainly wouldn't hurt to brighten a person's day with some greens than grays. =) What do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

dude, that guy was on crack!! money is money. jac

Albert said...

Haha...that is what I thought!!

Anonymous said...

my parents say the same thing about never tipping with change...

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