Friday, October 31, 2008

24 Days Out....

What a cool Google logo, designed by horror director Wes CravenProbably the most creative one I have seen in its time.

In addition to the glitz of Halloween, I've noticed we're 24 days out from the return of my favorite TV show.  Check out the preview and get pumped for it.

I've been waiting 18 months for this.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Free Post(e-)card

I like e-cards that let you customize them to your liking.

As well-intentioned (or not) as several e-card services are out there, it's getting harder and harder to find one that isn't annoying, chessy, ad-ridden, or all the above.

Then I found Simply upload an image file and an MP3 to the free, no-registration-required site, add a message, and mail it out.  The recipient gets a link to your e-postcard page, with no ads in sight (at least for now, crossing fingers).

This means you can be as cute, clever, snarky, or affectionate as you want.  I recently put together a simple collage for my friend's big 25th (used Picassa to accomplish this), slapped on a good song, and before you can finish singing "Happy Birthday", it was in her email-box  ready to be enjoyed.

It sure beats letting some oddly-shaped critters express your wishes in off-the-wall ways.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

An Afternoon With My 12 Disciples

A couple Saturdays ago, the Eureka counselors and the core group of 12 gathered for our summit at the Chicks'.  This is where we prepare our heads, hearts, and hands to serve the Junior High fellowship, letting God lead us in prayer and planning..

As I was trying to muster up some kind of essay for these images, I realize that sometimes pictures paint thousands of words, and I can't write any lyric that can comes close to describing our joyous afternoon together.

Notes Cross
"Stranded on an Island" Challenge "Stranded on an Island" Challenge "Stranded on an Island" Challenge
Taking notes Praying
Man Pyramid
MEAT! Cream Puffs
Happy Birthday, Natasha!!

What can I say except I love these people and their serving hearts.

Eureka Core 08-09

Eureka Fellowship 2008-2009: bring it on.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Fall 10

I think we're pretty much back into the swing of things for the fall season (though the 90-degree weather may say otherwise).

As I'm writing this and looking at some pictures, it floors me to realize how quickly the months have come and gone, and it's already nearing the end of 2008.  Probably the fastest passing year for me.

I hope everyone is looking forward to fall because I so happen to have my top ten reasons that I'm diving headfirst into this season with a smile.  Check it out:

10.  Kids back in school (more room for us young adults to have FUN!)

9.  Less sweating for Bart. (that's a good thing...or is it??)

8.  Fantasy Basketball. (more bball & more trash-talking)

7.  Primetime TV shows finally return. (I've been waiting 18 LONG months for this)

6.  College Football. (GO BEARS!!)

5.  Changing colors and scents of autumn. (God is such a great artist)

4.  Starbucks holiday specials. (pumpkin spice latte & peppermint hot chocolate...yum)

3.  That much closer to the Christmas. (love everything and everyone about it)

2.  Cooler days and nights. (great for running and being outdoors in general)

1.  My birthday.  =)

What are your reasons you're looking forward to autumn?  Feel free to share one, two, or ten, if you like.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Summer Rehash

Just when I thought things would actually cool to a legit fall weather, I find out it's going to heat up to the 90s again.  Global warming is funny.

Speaking of high temperatures, I suppose this would be a good time to update about my busy summer.  In between our church's annual youth retreat and a friends' wedding, so many things happened and .  I was gonna try to be make it into a somewhat coherent show-and-tell, but I'm a little all over the place now and so I'll go with it.  Besides, doesn't things like "organization" and "planning" sometimes ruin the fun?  =)

Here it goes:

On NYC: I haven't visited in 13 years so it was nice to see what's new around there.  Times Square, Wall Street, 9/11, Rockefeller Center, Central Park, Queens Bridge, Greenwich Village, New York Harbor, Serrendipity III....just to name a few places we checked out.  And I can't forget the several pizza parlors and the world class cheesecake we devoured along the way.  I'm STILL editing / uploading all the pics from the trip, so you can check on my progress hereMental note to self: go in the late autumn or spring season for milder weather.  I'm serious.

On AOW Missions:  Sick.  Amazing.  Blessed.  For the first time, our drama ministry did a tour around churches and other different venues in the South Bay to minister through performances and community outreach.  God was everywhere and led us together along the whole way.  You can read my debrief letter here for more of the big and little things He did for us.

On worship leading: I recently had a conversation with a friend about the delicate balance between spiritual leading and good musicianship in musical worship - specifically the latter.

I feel like a good amount of the time, we focus on trying to glorify God so much with the "right" passage, prayers, and songs, that we forget how important it is to skillfully set that mood w/ instruments.  Keeping on top of the tempo.  Staying in key.  I know I'm not the greatest in doing all these things, but I am being faithful with these musical gifts I've received.

During our conversation, my friend's words also showed me how ridiculously EASY it is to approach worship with a critical heart.  People turning their attention to the worship leaders and focusing on their shortcomings.  Are people so stuck in their own bubble of opinions on what they think worship should be like, that they miss the whole point of simply worshiping God?  It's discouraging to see that happen - for people to put all that responsibility solely on the worship leaders and sometimes taking NONE of it themselves, especially being spiritually prepared when they walk through the doors.

But here's the cool part of the whole thing:  it's not really his/her job.  God is still in control; He lets all the good and bad and even the ugly be in some way a praise to Him through the music, even when it's not "perfect" and it doesn't "please" us.

On that note, I'm truly grateful for the encouragements and growth I have received from serving alongside worship leaders this past year.  They are rock stars in my book.

And there you have it. Everything behind my eyes when I look back at these past three months.  Thanks for reading.  This was fun.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


So tell me....

...which sibling were you?