Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Run, Throw, Hunt

It's been long enough and it's time to blog once more, especially this past weekend.

  1. After talking about running my discipler Marvin, I somehow became inspired to take up running once more. I got up at dawn on Saturday (you read it right) to run with Jesse, Tammy, and Eunice only to be stumbled and humbled by a sore knee finishing my fifth mile. [Sigh] It was my stupid sense of pride that made me push harder than I had to for my re-entrance into running.

  2. After taking a lot of the day to recover, I went on my first disc golf activity with Aldous, Cecilia, and Ted at Whittier Narrows park in El Monte. I had mixed thoughts walking onto the field for the first time, especially since the sport had the word "golf" in it. But it became a really fun afternoon, and it added to my sense of direction of how to throw a Frisbee disc. It's really a science (and an art if you care how you look when you toss it =) ).

  3. The best part came later that evening with AOW had our Christmas celebration..."The Amazing Race" style! No joke: our group was split into teams to go on a scavenger hunt that led us from the Target complex on Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena to an AOW member's house to a random Nativity scene in front of a Cold Stone's in Arcadia to a newspaper stand next to the Goldline train station in Fillmore St. (boarding it too!) and finally to our restaurant that night. Whew!! My team was THIS CLOSE to winning too, but my knee broke down from running that morning and the other team hit the restaurant a few seconds before us. =( Tough lesson learned but the dinner afterwards and team reuniting again raised my spirits and made my night.

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